- 18+
- All events will take place rain or shine.
- Digital RFID wristbands (Party Package) are used to gain express entrance and must be worn at all times.
- Entrance can be purchased at each event if you don’t have a party package.
- Wristbands void if tampered or removed.
- Everyone subject to search.
- Party Package Headquarters: The City Nightclub.
The federal government in Quintana Roo, maintain a zero tolerance policy for drug use, identity theft and credit card fraud.
Mexican law will be strictly enforced.
* Passport needed to collect paid party package
* Absolutely no outside alcohol admitted to any venue
* Any behavior disrupting and endangering our audience will result in the immediate removal from event and voiding of the party package.
* No professional cameras permitted to any scheduled event
* Tickets to individual events are no good without Party Package wristband. No Exceptions
*Possessing, consuming, buying or distributing any drugs of any kind is PROHIBITED.